Monday, September 19, 2005

The Man Who was Thursday

"The pale face thus peeled in the lamplight revealed not so much rage as astonishment. He put up his hand with an anxious authority.
'There is some mistake', he said. 'Mr Syme, i hardly think you understand your position. I arrest you in the name of the law'.
'Of the law?' said Syme, and dropped his stick.
'Certainly!' said the Secretary. 'I am a detective from Scotland Yard', and he took a small card from his pocket.
'And what do you suppose we are?' asked the Professor, and threw up his arms.
'You', said the Secretary stiffly, 'are, as I know for a fact, members of the Supreme Anarchist Council. Disguised as one of you, I-'
Dr Bull tossed his sword into the sea.
'There never was any Supreme Anarchist Council', he said. 'We were all a lot of silly policemen looking at each other. And all these nice people who have been peppering us with shot thought we were the dynamiters. I knew I couldn't be wrong about the mob.', he said, beaming over the enormous multitude which stretched away to the distance on both sides. 'Vulgar people are never mad. I'm vulgar myself, and I know. I am now going on shore to stand a drink to everybody here."

G.K. Chesterton

Estou adorando o livro. Cheguei no suspense maior, o derradeiro, e parei um pouco com a leitura; tive que separar esse trecho.


Ram said...

Este livro e um barato!

Odorico Leal said...

Olá, Franz

Li esse livro há pouco tempo. Também gostei muito, desde a primeira página. Um livro de aventuras como defesa do bom-senso. Há quem ache datado, mas eu acho muito pertinente. Ando lendo trechos do "Heretics", que também é fenomenal.
